Here's a joke for you:


Laughter is the best medicine!

Unless you're treating diarrhea.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The first story telling experience!

It was really amazing.
Perfect day for a fair!
It was raining all day. The Kaysville Arts and Music in the Park fair went forward anyway.
So there weren't many people out and around. But we had a nice kiosk tent, and people were crowded in there, listening to the story tellers.
I went on at 5:00, and I told two stories. I'm going to post the video here later. I told a story about Butch Cassidy, and I told a story about my own kids.
People seemed to connect with what I was saying, so I'm excited to see where all this will lead.
Does this mean that I won't be giving joke seminars anymore? Does this mean I've given up my quest to be funny?
My stories contained LOTS of humor, and I know that future stories will be even FUNNIER!
And I am pursuing new Joke Seminar venues.
Please stay tuned!!

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